Joining the Friends of Ewelme Watercress Beds
Interested in Membership?
Why Join the Friends of Ewelme Watercress Beds?
The Friends of Ewelme Watercress Beds is a membership association which was established in 1999 primarily to raise funds to support the site’s Management Team and to encourage closer links between the Nature Reserve and the local community.
Membership of the Friends demonstrates your appreciation for this precious resource and interest in the work of the team of volunteers who commit many hours of their time to keeping the beds and the surrounding area in good condition. Funds raised by the Friends help to cover the costs of running and maintaining the site and the visitors’ centre as well as a range of events and activities throughout the year.
At just £5 per year for adult members (no charge for children), membership is a low-cost way to demonstrate your support and to feel involved in preserving the watercress beds for future generations. Members are entitled to attend Open Days free of charge and are invited to get involved in activities throughout the year, including working days and social events. The Annual General Meeting, normally held in April, is a great opportunity to meet other Friends and to learn more about the work of both the Friends and the Management Team.
How to Join the Friends of Ewelme Watercress Beds
Please email the membership secretary, Andrea Powell ( to provide your name and contact details (email and home address; phone number optional) and send £5 per adult to The Friends of Ewelme Watercress Beds, sort code 30-98-56, Account Number 00900695 (Lloyd’s Bank). Please use your surname as a reference in your bank transfer.